City of West Sacramento
Home MenuGeneral Plan 2035
What is a General Plan?
All cities and counties in California are required to have a general plan, which serves as the “constitution” for urban development and preservation in the city. The City Council approved General Plan 2035 on November 16, 2016 after a comprehensive update process that originally began in 2007. General Plan 2035 will guide how the City should develop over time and specifies locations for various land uses, transportation improvements, new parks and open spaces, and other public infrastructure. It guides urban development within the city limits — including development on both privately-owned and publicly owned land — and is used a basis for land use decisions by government officials such as the Planning and Design Commission and the City Council. Since the last comprehensive update to the General Plan in 2016 the City Council approved an updated Housing Element and Circulation Element.
What topics does the General Plan cover?
State law mandates that all general plans include the following elements which impact the quality of life in our community – Land Use, Circulation, Housing, Conservation, Open Space, Noise, Safety, and Environmental Justice. In addition, West Sacramento's current General Plan includes optional elements for Urban Structure and Design, Economic Development, Public Facilities and Services, Parks and Recreation and Healthy Communities.
What is the difference between the General Plan, other City plans, and the Zoning Ordinance?
The General Plan, other City plans, and the Zoning Ordinance differs in their level of scope and detail. The General Plan outlines a long-term vision for West Sacramento’s future development through a series of broad policy statements. Other City plans and the City’s Zoning Ordinance implement the General Plan policies through more area-specific policies, implementation measures, and more detailed development regulations and standards. State law requires that all City plans and zoning be consistent with diagrams and policies in the General Plan. Development must not only meet the specific requirements of adopted City plans and the Zoning Ordinance, but also be consistent with the broader policies outlined in the General Plan.
General Plan 2035 Implementation
- City Council Resolution
- Planning Commission Resolution
- Final Environmental Impact Report
- Zoning Map
- Land Use Map
- CEQA Findings of Fact
Draft Environmental Impact Report
The Draft EIR was released on August 3, 2016. The comment period was 45 days.
- General Plan 2035 Draft Environmental Impact Report
- General Plan 2035 Appendix A (Notice of Preparation)
- General Plan 2035 Appendix B (Air Quality Data)
- General Plan 2035 Appendix C (Traffic Noise Modeling Results)
- General Plan 2035 Appendix D (Transportation Impact Analysis)
General Plan Policy Document (Updated 2024)
General Plan Policy Document, Chapter by Chapter
- Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Goals and Policies
- Land Use Element
- Urban Structure and Design Element
- Economic Development Element
- 2021 Housing Element
- 2024 Mobility Element
- Public Facilities and Services Element
- Parks and Recreation Element
- Natural and Cultural Resources Element
- Safety Element
- Healthy Community Element
- Administration and Implementation
- Appendices